- Case Study -
Harness LLC
How Harness LLC leveraged Trux to support their growth while creating accountability with and for their haulers.

Doubled revenue, equipment, and people power year over year.
Managing and finding trucks to efficiently get material to jobsites.
The Results
By leveraging Trux’s platform, Harness is able to reliably find trucks when they need them, ensure material is delivered to the jobsite on time, and remain nimble as changes to their schedules occur.
Miles Logged
Fill Rate for Job Bids
Drivers Used from TRUX Marketplace
Middle Tennessee’s Premier Grading and Utility Contractor
Headquarters: Columbia, TN
Industry: Grading and Utility Contractor
Founded: 2013
Company Size: 40 (and growing)
Website: https://www.selectharness.com/
"We knew we needed to find more reliable trucking. Rather than focusing on the problem, we knew the only way to get ahead was to find a solution. Our team is solution and results-driven, TRUX is the solution that works best for our business.”
- John Carney, Harness LLC
Harness LLC is a well-known grading and utility contractor that has always relied on a combination of the dump trucks they own and hired trucking to complete their projects on time. Prior to TRUX, John says, “I have worked at companies in the past where you sign a ticket and you think they got four loads in, but in reality, one truck might get lapped and they really only delivered three loads.” Because there are so many moving parts, it was difficult to hold everyone on the job accountable. Harness needed a solution that would ensure the outputs expected were what they paid for when hiring trucks.
TRUX has brought versatility and accountability to their trucking operations. Jobs may take them to the quarry, then a jobsite, and back to a quarry - or they may need to pivot and use a truck for import/export. TRUX enables them to easily reassign trucks throughout the day, streamline communication, and reroute vehicles when needed. “Recently, I saw in the app that one of my hired trucks was headed in the wrong direction. I spotted it, gave him a call and got him on the right track. It saved everyone’s time, including the hauler. Without TRUX, I never would have been able to catch that. There would have been no way”.

Harness has experienced rapid growth and expects to continue that trajectory doubling its revenue, equipment, and people over the next year. TRUX is the key solution they need to continue to expand their offering to customers. “Last weekend, I needed to scramble before a storm to complete a project. I was able to bid the job out and get 17 trucks on one job and 5 on another.” Harness was able to leverage TRUX to open the throttle and get the job done - making their customer happy before the weather hit.
“TRUX customer service has always been amazing. We pick up a phone, call, and someone answers every time.”
TRUX provided the information needed to close out the tickets as quickly as possible on this change order, allowing project finances to stay up to date. “The benefits of using TRUX have had a domino effect down the line. If I time everything right, I can manage 25 trucks quickly and remotely, driving better results for the business.” The efficiency TRUX brings to the Harness team is helping fuel their growth and complete projects on time.
TRUX Product Used:
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