TRUX Deliver
Digitally dispatch and instantly communicate with haulers
View and manage the flow of trucks at the plant/origination in real time.
Automated customer order delivery tracking
Access digital tickets after each load is delivered
Keep your haulers busy and up-to-date with load stacking and reassignment
GPS tracking for haulers in real-time

Enable your customers to track all loads from the plant/origin to the job site/destination
View hauler ETA and wait time at the job site
View delivery velocity and cycle time in real-time
View and download E-Tickets and scale data for digital proof of delivery
Reorder materials while at the job site

TRUX Drive
Find, claim, and accept more work in your area
Easily view your current and upcoming schedule
Capture delivery data and reduce paperwork with digital ticketing
Communicate with dispatch and site contacts with a single tap
Access earnings in real-time, sorted by job, driver, or date

Find more verified 3rd party/subcontracted hauling supply when you need it
Digital dispatching/scheduling and assignment confirmation
Hauler GPS tracking and communication tools
Digital punch-in and punch-out, load slips, automatic shift fee calculation, and dispute management
Consolidated invoices - receive one invoice no matter how many haulers you use
Hauler payments - Trux pays the haulers for the work they complete for you

TRUX Manage
Digital dispatching/scheduling and assignment confirmation for employed and regular haulers
Hauler GPS tracking and communication tools
Digital punch-in and punch-out, load slips, and automatic shift fee calculation
Hauler payments - spend more time hauling and less time processing hauler payments

Tell Us About Your Business
We’d love to hear about the current state of your business, and where you’re headed.