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Give your customers the power to track their entire delivery and tools to improve job site productivity.


Unparalleled delivery transparency and job site productivity tools for your customers means shorter cycle times for your haulers and greater efficiency for dispatch.


Delivery Tracker Recipients


Loads Tracked


E-Tickets Issued


Keep everyone in sync and reduce the chance of errors, delays, and unnecessary additional communication with automated confirmation of:

  • material and quantity ordered

  • scheduled delivery velocity

  • estimated tons/loads per hour

  • scheduled completion time

  • exact delivery location address and visual drop zone verification

Order Confirmation



With the Delivery Tracker, your customers can:

  • Track all deliveries from the moment the first truck punches in until the order is complete

  • Monitor the number of scheduled, in progress, and delivered loads/tons

  • View real-time delivery and job site key performance indicators

  • Call Dispatch with a single tap

  • Reorder additional materials in just a few taps

All from the palm of their hand and without the need to install an app or create an account.

DT - Home Page



  • View the real-time location and direction of travel for all In Progress trucks

  • View the driver, truck ID, truck type, license plate, and even color of every truck carrying loads to and from the job site

  • View ETA with our delivery truck tracker, running time on site, and full cycle time for each truck

  • View the delivery location of each load relative to the geofence/drop zone

Track Deliveries_Website



At the conclusion of each order, your customers will receive an automated email with a downloadable scale ticket report containing:

  • ticket date and time

  • quarry/plant location

  • product and quantity delivered

  • delivery location and time

  • purchase order and other reference items
    Reduce the time and contact required to collect and reconcile scale tickets to invoices

Dispatch Summary (1)



Because we use Trux, I know that I'll be able to meet our customers’ demands and I don't necessarily need to know how many trucks are available to me at that moment.
Mike Gagne
Dispatcher, Benevento Asphalt
Trux has been most helpful to us in dispatching fleets of trucks. With one single stroke of the keyboard, we can request and receive a sufficient number of trucking for our projects.
Chris Lynch
President, Lawrence-Lynch Corp
With a quick phone call and a two second process with Trux, we added an additional $4,000 to our bottom line in a single day on a job we wouldn't have done before.
Mark Peach
Vice President, Benevento Asphalt
Before using Trux it could take hours calling and waiting for calls back from other companies to see if they had available trucks.
Lincoln Dunlap
Operations Manager, T&K Asphalt
Trux is so easy to work with. There's nothing crazy about it. Everything is right there in front of you, so it was easy to just take it and run with it.
Ashly Bollman
Dispatcher, 3531 Trucking, Inc.
Finding reliable haulers is a challenge. It takes a while to find the right fit and the paperwork to get them on board can take a week. About 50% of the time, the hauler doesn’t even take the time to fill it out. Trux has changed that for us.
Tony Cobb
Project Manager, Pavecon
We save time using Trux to recruit and schedule haulers instead of making manual phone calls. And we don’t have to be involved directly with insurance which saves us from doing all of the paperwork to get them on board.
Brandy Asermely
Senior Account Manager, Case Facilities Management Solutions

Looking to deliver a differentiated customer experience?

Give your customers the ability to track their deliveries and improve project productivity with Trux.