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What Do Haulers Like About Trux?

A Trux Infographic

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Hauler Satisfaction is High

Trux surveys haulers up to twice a year to gauge their satisfaction with our products and services. We ask a single question: How likely are you to recommend Trux to a friend/colleague? Some of you may recognize this as the Net Promotor Score, which is a common measure of overall satisfaction and loyalty. Our hauler NPS scores place us in the Excellent or Best In Class category among software companies.

While the score is an important metric to gauge how satisfied your users are, by itself it doesn't always tell you enough to either double-down on what pleases users and improve on what they don't like.

What's Behind the Scores?

This is why respondents are asked a single follow-up, free-text question - essentially, why do you feel the way you do about Trux? What's behind that numeric score that you just gave?

We analyzed all of the responses to this follow-up question to figure out why our haulers feel the way they do about Trux. Here is what we found...

Infographic #1 - What Do Haulers Like About Trux_2


Download a free copy of the infographic HERE

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